Things To Do at Chapel View – Wellness Edition


•   P O L A C E K   C E N T E R   F O R   P L A S T I C   S U R G E R Y   •

Every winter, our skin gives us a little reminder to give it some extra TLC to combat the dryness in the air. Polacek Center for Plastic Surgery has all the solutions for your skin's needs whether it's micro needling, chemical peels, injectables, or giving your skincare products an upgrade!


•   G N C   •

Wellness starts from within! That's why supplements are such a crucial part of staying healthy. GNC is our go-to resource for choosing our supplements because they have a variety of options and are super helpful in navigating the best options for you!


•   M A S S A G E   E N V Y   •

Has working from home left your back feeling all out of whack? Massage Envy is here to alleviate tension and also hydrate the skin with a custom massage for 60 or 90 minutes. When booking your appointment, you will be asked about your lifestyle, existing conditions, areas you want focused on, and preferred pressure to give you the personalized experience that you need!


•   I D E A L   I M A G E   •

Does your body need something more than just a massage? Ideal Image has options for laser hair removal, CoolSculpting and CoolTone to get your body looking and feeling its best! And not only will you look and feel great, it will take some of the time and guesswork out of getting to those body goals.


•   B E A U T Y   C O L L E C T I V E   •

Just recently opened on March 1st, Beauty Collective is going to be everyone's favorite place to get pampered! Beauty Collective is a space where professionals in the beauty and wellness industry come together to provide expertise while you get treated to a bit of self-care.